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Top 10 Most Dangerous Traditions Around the World in Modern Era


     10.New Years Dive:Siberia

Russian divers perform the traditon of diving inta the lake,which reaches 5390 feet to bring the new year trees and the trees planted in it.It seems not that dangerous,but the lake that some persons called the deepest lake in the world is under the ice,and to do this we have to cut the surface of the ice in very cold condition.


         9. Polar Bear Plunge:Maryland,USA

Traditon done in the winter in many of countries that involve mani participants to jump into cold water.In Maryland traditon carried on Sandy Point State Park.Each participant actually must signa document containing the statement that "this is very dangerous leap,can cause serious injury,such as paralysis,hypothermia,and even death".But still some brave people do that.


8.Baby Dropping Ritual

Muslims in western India,at Solapur exactly,lining up to drop their babies from a tower with a height of 15 metres.This ritual have been done for over 500 years,and believe to make their child grow healthty and strong

7.Firework Battle
Strange tradition,which occured in Grece.Originates from the saturation when people prayed in church,and they were burned firecrackers to release the saturation.Then the people begin to burn firework with the target is their church,and they often fought each other church congregation fireworks between one with other churches.

Festival held each May at Cooper's Hill,Gloucestershire in England.This festival involves cheese rolled down a very steep hill,then hundreds of people star to walk down the hill(risk life and limb) to catch the cheese.

5. Onbashira:Tokyo,Japan
Obashira means "the pillars of honor" in english.This Tradition done onve every 6 years.The tradition done by riding a cut down tree trunk down the hill.

4.Goat Tossing Festival:Spain

Spain have a lot of bizarre festivals such as the goat tossing festival.Every year on the fourth Sunday in January,the local people fromm a small tow named Manganeses de la Polvorosa gather for the festival of goat tossing in honor of St.Vincent de Paul,their patron saint.This festival lasted long and no one knows when this began.Festival involving a young boy who found a goat in the village,a goat tied up,and then rises to the top of the belfry of the local Church.He then dropped a goat from a height of more than 50 feet in which the goat is(hopefully) caught by the vilaggerswho held the tarpaulin sheet.Village officials have been banned this festivals but it still continues.Humane adenies complained about this,but this tradition is still run.

3.Yanshui Beehive Rockets Festival:Yanshui,Taiwan.

A tradition of 15 days after the Chines Lunar New Year holidays is releasing fireworks into the sky,but not in Taiwan.They are directed the fireworks toward people crowd.


2.Running of the bulls:Pamplona,Spain

Very famous in the world.But also very dangerous.This festical is to honor the patron saint for the city.In this festival people run with the bulls. 


1.College Hazing:Bandung,Indonesia.

Facts around the world concluded that 49% of new students will experience college hazing.But this one that done in Bandung,Indonesia is very bad college hazing practise.Even it's rejected by the school,but it do happen.A lot of protest to disperse the school as each year always fall victims.Violence in the form of beatings and kicks in the chest with a reason of coaching on this college and has become a dangerous tradition of this college.This is just a case.Im sure there's other college hazing as well in various part of the world.Thanked god it wont happen at ALAM,i hope so=) 

P/S;Those tradition have to be re-thought as more bad aspect rather than good aspect. Do You all think So?

                            -DONT TRY THIS AT HOME-

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